Your not really going to delete those files are you?!

Northern Monarch Ok so you have been out photographing, you've come home and downloaded the images on your card, or had your film developed. Hopefully you don't leave those images on that card! Now that you have looked at the photographs you thought were the real keepers, the ones you just couldn't wait to see, now what? If you are like me, and I would think most people are, you pick out the ones that were exactly what you thought they would be and sent them off to the printer excitedly waiting for them to arrive. But what about the other images, you know, the ones you didn't even take the time to look at, what about them? Do you delete those files to make room for more images on your hard drive? I know I may be bad, but I don't delete anything, I have three external hard drives that are loaded with images. Some I have never even bothered to look at, others absolutely need to be deleted, you know the ones that are out of focus, or blurry because it w...