Your not really going to delete those files are you?!
Ok so you have been out
photographing, you've come home and downloaded the images on your card, or had
your film developed. Hopefully you don't leave those images on that card! Now
that you have looked at the photographs you thought were the real keepers,
the ones you just couldn't wait to see, now what?
If you are like me, and I would
think most people are, you pick out the ones that were exactly what you thought
they would be and sent them off to the printer excitedly waiting for them to
arrive. But what about the other images, you know, the ones you didn't even
take the time to look at, what about them? Do you delete those files to make
room for more images on your hard drive?
I know I may be bad, but I don't
delete anything, I have three external hard drives that are loaded with
images. Some I have never even bothered to look at, others absolutely
need to be deleted, you know the ones that are out of focus, or blurry because it
was low light and you were in to much of a hurry to use the tripod! Some
images need to go, but others, well you never know.
Recently, I was actually working on
cleaning up my hard drives, moving images from one to the other for long term
storage, deleting the ones that should never see the light of day. As I was
looking through the files I found some that I had totally forgotten about.
On one of our trips to Oregon , we had left Gold's Beach in Oregon and headed to California , as we were going through the
Redwoods there was this little side road that turned into a dirt road as it
headed down the hillside to the coast.
While we were at the coast I
took several photos of all sorts of things! There were these slender
emerald green trees with a little stream running through them, cliffs that
dropped off from the hillside above, and these beautiful elk. Initially I had
chosen a photo of an elk with the cliffs behind it, and a couple of the little
Several of the elk photos were
blurry from not using a tripod, I didn't want to lose the opportunity so I just
held as steady as possible (in those days there was no image stabilization) and
shot away, because you know how wild animals are...gone in a flash, no pun
As I was looking through these files
I came across the elk photos, looking at the blurry ones, shaking my head I
found a couple of little gems, I guess I had held steadier than I had thought.
I guess the point is-sometimes
immediate house cleaning may cost you some beautiful photographic gems.
But looking through those files, sometime years later, may reveal some things
you missed the first time.
So before you throw them out, set
those images aside for another day, a day when you can look at them with a less
jaundiced eye toward your lack of being perfect, because you just may be more
perfect than you think!.
Thanks for looking.
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Now go out and make it a picture perfect day!!
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