Mirror Lake Highway

High up in the Uinta mountains of Utah there is a road called the "Mirror Lake Highway" this highway connects the mountain town of Kamas Utah to Evanston Wyoming by way of the Uinta mountains.

The Mirror lake highway winds her way up through the Uinta mountains, passing many small lakes and streams, some you have to hike to like Fehr lake, and Washington lake, others like Butterfly lake, Lost lake, and Pass lake to name just a few can be seen and accessed right from the highway, and of course Mirror Lake which is where the highway gets her name, all beautiful. It is in these mountains that the famous Smith Morehouse trail begins, you can still walk, or ride horses along this trail, taking you to many other lakes, such as Duck lake, and Island lake.

The Highway also follows the beginnings of the Provo river, up in these mountains the river is nothing more than a large stream, gaining water from other streams it becomes a rushing river, traveling down a series of water falls called the "Upper Falls" and down through a shale canyon, and onto the pasture valleys of Kamas, and on to the beautiful Heber valley then onto Provo canyon and Utah lake.

Pictured above is the Provo river near the head waters, this is low water, and the river is making her way through boulders, and small cliffs left over from days gone by, the water bubbles, and swirls, gathering for the trip down to the Upper falls, and below.

From the Mirror lake highway you can access many other roads, many only lead to hidden lakes, and valleys where they dead end, one of those roads is called Murdock basin road, this road takes you high up in the mountains where you can see and fish such lakes as Pyramid lake, Joan lake, Echo lake and others, these small mountain lakes have been stocked with native fish, and make great fisheries at the right time of the year.

Pictured above is a photograph from one of the little valleys that you can access from Murdock basin road, as you drive along the road, which is very rocky, I would not suggest you take a car, or even some of the new crossover vehicles on this road, and 4x4s and side by sides along with 4 wheelers are advised on this road, along the rod there is a lot of large boulders that block the view, by chance we stopped and took a short hike to find this beautiful area that I like to call "The Forest Primeval"

Pines grow abundant here, along with several understory plants and shrubs, and of course the quaking aspens that grow throughout the northern mountains of Utah.

You can access the Mirror lake highway from a few directions from Heber City and south of Kamas you can take highway 189, three miles north of Heber City you take highway 32 which takes you over a small pass then onto Kamas in Kamas turn right onto Center street and follow that road which turns into Mirror Lake Highway, from Salt lake city Utah and north of Kamas from I 80 you take the Heber Park City exit, then look for the signs that say Kamas, this is also highway 32 follow that road into Kamas and again turn left onto Center street and follow that road. From Wyoming you take highway 150 which also turns into Mirror Lake Highway, be advised this highway is closed in the winter, and some years like this year 2019 will not open until late June, or early July depending on the snow conditions, this is a high mountain road, with many beautiful views, and a ton of hiking trails, so take your hiking shoes, and your fishing pole if you are so inclined, and just have fun!!


  1. TL, you’re writing’s getting as nice as your photos! :)

    “Pictured above is the Provo river near the head waters, this is low water, and the river is making her way through boulders, and small cliffs left over from days gone by, the water bubbles, and swirls, gathering for the trip down to the Upper falls, and below.”


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