Timp Over Sandy Baker Pass

Timp over Sandy Baker Pass It was cold when we left the house, even colder once we arrived at the parking lot high up in the Wasatch mountains of Utah. My sons and I had planned on doing a morning elk hunt, we packed what we needed, and only what we needed, because of that I decided to leave my tripod at home, never a good idea, but one it seams that is always made when you know you’re going to be hiking where the air is thin, and the hills are steep. We made our way in the dark up and around a short section of the Great western trail, suitable only for foot traffic, and mountain bikes, not even elk use the trail as it turns out. I will admit I had to stop several times along the hike to rest and catch my breath. Yes it’s steep, and I am not as young, or in shape as I used to be, oh the ravages of time, once near the top, and almost on what is known as “The Ant Knolls” we stopped to take a break, I guess the hike was wearing on all of us by that time. A...