Safe Herbor

Safe Harbor After returning to our little home from San Juan Island , and a well deserved nights rest we booked a place on the ferry from Whidbey island to Port Townsend on the Olympic peninsula. From Port Townsend we traveled inland to Port Angeles , when we got there it was raining off and on, and the sky was heavily overcast. After spending some time at the coast there whishing the skies would clear just a little to add some color to the dark gray clouds. After watching the antics of a little raccoon that was begging food from the others parked there, then looking at a couple of little shops we left Port Angeles, and headed into the Olympic national park, the route we took went up the hill to Hurricane ridge, but that is a story for another day. After our trip up the mountain it was time to head back to Port Townsend and the ferry back to Whidbey island . As we pulled into Port Townsend we took a wrong turn which took us down the main road into the city, happily we...