Mirror Lake Highway

Rushing Waters - Upper Provo River High up in the Uinta mountains of Utah there is a road called the "Mirror Lake Highway" this highway connects the mountain town of Kamas Utah to Evanston Wyoming by way of the Uinta mountains. The Mirror lake highway winds her way up through the Uinta mountains, passing many small lakes and streams, some you have to hike to like Fehr lake, and Washington lake, others like Butterfly lake, Lost lake, and Pass lake to name just a few can be seen and accessed right from the highway, and of course Mirror Lake which is where the highway gets her name, all beautiful. It is in these mountains that the famous Smith Morehouse trail begins, you can still walk, or ride horses along this trail, taking you to many other lakes, such as Duck lake, and Island lake. The Highway also follows the beginnings of the Provo river, up in these mountains the river is nothing more than a large stream, gaining water from other streams it becomes a rushin...